04/03/2013 |

‘Freddy’ is father to‘Den Dromer’ wonder cock at De Rauw-Sablon (now C. & G. Koopman) and winner of 15. I.prov. Argenton - 7,452 b. 73. I.prov. Chateauroux - 6,832 b. 84. Nat. Bourges II - 12,161 b. 93. prov. Bourges - 3,575 birds ‘Den Dromer’ is grandfather to ‘Miss Maniwan’ 1. Nat. St.vincent 25,870 birds (at C. & G. Koopman) ‘Den Dromer’ is grandfather to ‘Cornelis’ 1. Int. Limoges 2010 (at C. & G. Koopman) ‘Den Dromer’ is grandfather to 2, Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2007 (at Erik Limbourg) ‘Den Dromer’ is grandfather to: World famous bak 17 (at Marcel Aelbrecht) ‘Den Dromer’ is grandfather to ‘Good Aim’ 3. prize winner in the prestigious Sun City Million Dollar Pigeon Race 2009 ‘Den Dromer’ is gr.grandfather to 1. Nat. Argenton old birds 2010 against 5,756 birds (at. F. & J. Vandenheede) ‘Freddy’ is father to ‘Mr. Expensive’, the father of ‘Doran’ 1. NPO Orleans - 9,670 birds (13 minutes lead) 21. NPO Chantilly - 13,008 birds 58. NPO Blois - 5,737 birds ‘Freddy’ is father to ‘Kastar’ 18. Nat. La Souterainne - 14,957 birds 41. Nat. Limoges - 16,504 birds 1. Noyon - 143 birds ‘Freddy’ is father to ‘Blauwe Prins’ 2. prov. Vierzon - 6,928 birds 4. Nat. Bourges - 12,754 birds 11. Nat. Bourges - 10,759 birds ‘Freddy’ is grandfather to ‘Lucky 77’ 1. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2005 (at Erik Limbourg) ‘Freddy’ is grandfather to ‘Blue Erika’, breeder of 1. Nat. Argenton 2011 - 10,962 birds (at Willy Den Haese) ‘Brother Freddy’ is grandfather to ‘New Freddy’ 1. Nat. acebird KBDB great middle distance 2010 (at Pierre Matthijs) ‘Brother Freddy’ is great grandfather to ‘Josephine’ (bred by Jupid, raced at Verreckt-Ariën) 1. Nat. La Souterraine 2011 – 16,576 birds
"DEN DROMER" super hijo de "FREDDY"

Él es sin duda uno de los mejores hijos de "Den Dromer" en todo el mundo y se entrega por sus excelentes genes a sus hijos!
Hasta el presente ha criado 6 x 1 º Premios con 4 hembras diferentes, incluyendo el 1st.premio en un clásico "Race Loft One" en China, donde un hijo ganó espectacularmente contra 2,204 birds - desde Tianjin a Beijing - 500 KM com 6 minutos de avance en la competencia. Además ganó otro hijo , como yearling, el 1º Premio Provincial de Tienen / Belg. 550 kilometros contra 1.855 palomas también con 5 minutos por delante del resto de la competencia. El punto más destacado hasta el presente era el perfomance sobresaliente de otro hijo, que voló en 2010 - 3 x 1st.Prize en 3 fines de semana en competencias con una media de más de 1.000 palomas.

One of the best children ever bred from De Rauw-Sablon legend ‘Den Dromer’
Son to ‘Den Dromer’ x ‘Yi Min’
- - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - - x - -
Most probably the best son to ‘Den Dromer’ – breeder of 6x 1. prize
Best direct children are
1. prov. acebird 2010
1. acebird Union 2010
1. Wertheim – 1,116 birds
1. Seligenstadt – 1,011 birds
1. Schweinfurt - 965 birds
Co winner 1. Nat. championship August ‘Brieftaube International’
Co winner 4. Nat. Superstar ‘De Duif’ speed month August/September
Co Winner 1. National Championship ‘Internet Taubenschlag’
1. prov. Tienen – 1,855 birds with a 6 minutes lead
Co winner 1. provincial championship cocks 2010
‘1. winner Tianijn’
1. prize winner final race One-Loft-Race Tianijn 550 Km (China) – 2,204 birds with 5 minutes lead
1. Wertheim – 1,183 birds in 2009
Co winner 1. provincial championship 2009
‘Blue Samurai 706’
2. Würzburg – 1,615 birds
2. Schweinfurt – 1,116 birds
8. Wertheim – 2,615 birds
‘Last Samurai’ is grandfather to ‘Dream On’
5., 5., 7., 8., 9., 15. prize at the One-Loft-Race MVL-Cup in Scandinavia 2009
More grandchildren to ‘Last Samurai’ are winners of
2. Schweinfurt - 1,528 birds
2. Wertheim – 1,116 birds
3. Schweinfurt – 1,528 birds
3. Schweinfurt - 1,110 birds
3. Seligenstadt - 1,011 birds
3. Gochsheim - 965 birds
4. Wertheim - 1,183 birds
5. Gochsheim - 965 birds
6. Schweinfurt – 1,110 birds
6. Gochsheim) - 965 birds
7. Schweinfurt - 1,528 birds
9. Gochsheim - 965 birds
10. Kitzingen – 1,131 birds
10. Kitzingen - 1,131 birds
12. Seligenstadt - 1,011 birds
14. Schweinfurt – 1,528 birds
14. Wertheim - 1,116 birds
16. Würzburg - 1,210 birds
18. Schweinfurt - 884 birds
16. Seligenstadt - 1,011 birds
16. Gochsheim - 965 birds
18. Kitzingen - 1,131 birds
20. Schweinfurt – 1,528 birds